Presenters Guidelines

Important Dates

14 September:

Deadline to register and pay for the Congress

21 September:

Deadline to submit your materials

Presenters Guidelines

General Guidelines

  1. All accepted and shortlisted abstracts must submit their materials to compete for awards. Please refer to the table below for the requirements of each presentation format.
  2. All materials must be uploaded through the Congress Abstract Submission Portal.
  3. Deadline to submit your materials (poster, video, oral, presentation slides) is 21 September 2024. Late submission will not be entertained.
  4. In order for your abstract to be finalised and recognised for publications, you MUST register and make full payment to WCHS 2024 before 14 September 2024.
  5. The final presentation format of all reviewed abstracts are made final. Changes of presentation format is not permitted even if it differs from your initial submission.
  6. The presentations will take place on 11 and 12 October 2024 at Suntec, Singapore, time to be announced.
  7. The winners will be announced at the Award and Closing ceremony on 12 October 2024. We encourage all presenters to stay until the end of the ceremony.

E-poster Presentation Guidelines

Category Presentation Presentation Specification

E-poster Presentation

E-Posters will be displayed on the digital panels at the venue. 

You are also expected to present with your Posters.
Seperate time  allocation will be given for Top Presenters and Regular Presenters.

Best Poster Presentation:
Duration: 6 minutes total
4 minutes for presentation
2 minute live Q&A

Regular Poster Presentation:
Duration: 3 minutes total
2 minutes for presentation
1 minute live Q&A 

File Type: PDF

File Name: Format_Abstract ID_Full Name
E.g: PosterPresentation_7_JoshuaKumar

Orientation: Horizontal (landscape orientation)

Page number: One (1) only

Resolution: 16:9 (Landscape)

Max File Size: 2MB

Template: Download

Language: English

Other Requirements:

- MUST Include Abstract ID Number

- No hyperlinks, animated images, animations, and slide transitions

- Can include QR codes, tables and photos

Oral Presentation Guidelines

Category Presentation Time Presentation Specification

Oral Presentation            

Seperate time  allocation will be given for Top Presenters and Regular Presenters.

Best Selection Oral:
Duration: 10 minutes total
8 minutes for presentation
2 minutes live Q&A

Regular Oral Presentation:
Duration:  5 minutes total
3 minutes for presentation
2 minutes live Q&A 

File Type: PPT

File Name: Format_Abstract ID_Full Name
E.g: OralPresentation_7_JoshuaKumar

Template: Download

Language: English

Video Presentation Guidelines

Category Presentation Time Presentation Specification
Video Display 

Video will be displayed on the digital panels at the venue. No presentation is required. 

Video Duration: 4 mins max 

Important Note: Please ensure no institution information is being disclosed in your recording.

File Type: MP4 or MOV format with frame rate of at least 30 frames per second.

For submission via Vimeo link, Please ensure public access is shared.

File Name: Format_Abstract ID_Full Name
E.g.: VideoPresentation_7_JoshuaKumar

Video Length: Maximum 4 minutes

Video Presentation / Video Presentation (YHS)

Your pre-recorded video(s) will be displayed on the digital panels at the venue. Only Top Presenters are required for  presentation 

Best Selection Video:
Duration:  10 minutes total
8 minutes for presentation
2 minutes live Q&A

Video Presentation (YHS): 
Duration:  5 minutes total
3 minutes for presentation
2 minutes live Q&A 

Submit Here