Abstract Guidelines

Call for Abstracts

Are you proud of the quality of your research? Do you want to present your abstract at a premier conference and publish it? The WCHS 2024 is the ideal international platform for you to publicize your best research.

25 JAN

Submissions Open

15 AUG

Submission Deadline

31 AUG

Notification of Accepted Abstracts

14 SEP

Presentation Submission Deadline

Abstracts are only accepted online at the Abstract Submission page by 15 August 2024. Authors must conform to the following guidelines and structure their abstracts accordingly. Abstracts not conforming to the guidelines will not be reviewed.


Abstracts will be evaluated through a blind review process and scored based upon the following criteria.

  • Relevance to the congress theme.
  • Scientific merit of research (including methodological rigor and contemporary contribution to knowledge).
  • Quality, clarity, and completeness of abstracts.

Marking scheme




Methodology &


Appropriateness Of


Significance Of


Clinical Relevance


  • Share your knowledge and expertise to improve patient care
  • Connect with peers, expand your professional network and gain recognition for your work on an international stage
  • Compete for the Poster/Oral/Video Competition and cash prize
  • Award Certificate issued by WCHS 2024


It only takes a few short minutes for you to submit your entry. Share a summary of your case, a brief review of the findings and key learning points, alongside any supporting documents



  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Abstracts must be comprised of:
    • A title
    • Author names: First name(s) and last name(s). Full names are required.
    • The affiliation (only one), including country, of each author
    • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned.
    • A body structured under Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned.
  • Avoid text in bold or italics.
  • A maximum of 300 words.


  • A MAXIMUM OF 6 FIGURES is allowed and must be uploaded separately.
  • Figure(s) must be numbered clearly (eg. Figure 1).
  • Figure(s) should be cited in the abstract to which they belong.
  • Figure(s) formats: .jpeg, png.
  • A minimum resolution of 72 dpi is required.
  • Figure legend should appear in the abstract text rather than as part of the figure file(s).


  • Authors are allowed to edit each submitted abstract until the submission deadline.
  • Abstracts will not be edited and proofread by the committee.
  • Obvious mistakes may be corrected and the abstracts will be amended to house style as appropriate.


  • Resupplies, different versions of abstracts, or instructions to delete after submission will be considered depending on the timeframe.


  • Authors of all abstracts are required to grant an exclusive licence on a worldwide basis to the APHS and/or co-owners or contracting owning societies (where published by the APHS on their behalf) in accordance with APHS’ standard licence.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the corresponding/lead author of each abstract is aware that by submitting their work for publication they are agreeing to the terms and conditions of APHS’ standard licence to publish for abstracts. As this is an exclusive licence, you must ensure that signed agreement is obtained from the author (which may be via electronic signature) and must be able to supply evidence of this to the APHS upon written request.


  • Notification of acceptance including details of the presentation format will be sent out on 31 August 2024.
  • There are three categories of presentations available – oral, e-poster, or video. As presentation slots are limited, some abstracts may be reallocated to different formats.
  • Questions about the abstract submission process can be directed to secretariat@worldcongresshernia.com.


  • Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on completed work. No “in progress” studies will be accepted.
  • Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” will not be accepted.
  • There are three categories of presentations available – oral, poster, or video. As presentation slots are limited, some abstracts may be re-allocated from oral to poster presentation.


  • You are required to submit BOTH the text abstract of the video and the video itself.
  • All submitted videos must be uploaded through the Congress Abstract Portal.
  • Video duration: 3 - 4 minutes
  • Format: .MP4 or .MOV format, or other readable formats.
  • Submissions must include a written summary (1,000 characters maximum) outlining aspects of the operation you wish to demonstrate as well as the clinical scenario.
  • Respect copyright: Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload videos that you didn't make or use content in your videos to which someone else owns the copyright, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorization.
  • Please avoid referring to any brand or society that promotes any regional products.
  • Submitted videos are evaluated and reviewed by a panel appointed by the WCHS 2024 scientific committee.
  • Review of the submission will be based on the abstract text summary and video.
  • Videos will be evaluated and marked on a scale of 0 to 5 depending on the following criteria.
    • Written summary - 15%
    • Content (know-how, skills, technique illustrated) - 50%
    • Methodology (how it is done) - 25%
    • Video quality (image resolution and sound quality) - 10%
  • By submitting your video to the competition you are giving WCHS 2024 permission to share it through the WCHS 2024 website and social networking platforms.


  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision about the abstract acceptance and its scheduling into the program based on topics and time constraints.
  • Each abstract submission must indicate whether the material was published or presented in any prior congresses or granted any awards.
  • All presenters must register to attend the congress by 14 September 2024 and be present at the time of congress.
  • Certificate of Appreciation will be granted to all the presenters to honor their presentations.